How to Fight “Mold”

Photo by Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash

You say 
By Lauren Daigle
Listen to the song on YouTube

You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours

Our world grows mold. Mold, the idea that we can’t fit in. Mold, the idea we are never going to be enough, yet we have to try anyway. Even if we don’t believe those words, we are surrounded by them. Like any type of mold it spreads fast and furious, faster than we can control most times. Our enemy has filled our world with “mold”. Mold comes in all the dreary colors of the world. Mold makes people very sick, so you can understand how being around it is a huge issue.

Why I am I talking about mold?As I said at the beginning, our world teems with mold. I don’t mean the bacteria that grows on food, or mold in the sense of something nasty that we should not touch or breathe. I am talking about words and thoughts. They can become bacteria in our world. Thoughts such as: 

“I am so alone.” 
“I can never be loved.” 
“My life is a disaster!” 
“Why even try?” 

Just as mold is a dangerous fungus that can cause serious health problems, the flaming darts that Satan ties to throw at us can get in our head without us even knowing it. If we are Christians, we know these thoughts are not true. All we have to do is open the Bible. Even if we know these thoughts are not true, Satan does not like that. He wants them to seem real; He wants to make us feel unloved or alone when we truly aren’t. But if we are Christians, we have the bigger defense. Jesus is on our side. God loves you. Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33), and no one, especially not someone who has been defeated, can take the love that God freely gives. 

But the world is still full of mold. We may know in our heart that we are never alone, and that we are loved beyond comprehension, but knowing that does not mean that your mind will always remember. Sometimes the mold of this world gets in us, fills our head, and tries to establish a foothold. But remember those thoughts are from The Loser. You are on the conqueror’s side.  

So what do we do when our head starts to fill with lies? Two simple things: read God’s word and talk to yourself. You are probably nodding that reading God’s
Word is a great idea but maybe your brows furrow at the idea of talking to yourself. First, let’s talk about God’s word. 

By reading and memorizing God’s word, it lives inside us. Then it is a lot harder for the “mold” to come in and attack us. When we dive into God’s word, we grow closer to God. Think of it as a long email that God leaves for us to read and process. Then we get to hit reply by praying, and we get to know and trust God more. 

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7 

When we read God’s word, which helps us remain in Him, we can pray for the mold to leave our heads. For God to take way the doubts we have about all the gifts He gives us, we must give our moldy thoughts to God who transforms our mind. Just like real mold, it can cause serious health problems in our minds. God is the healer and like His verse says below, He renews our mind which means it can be completely healed from those thoughts.  

“Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2 

Now on to the part that you are probably questioning: talking to yourself. You don’t have to talk in front of others, only God. You can do it in a place where others won’t bother you. However, there is something powerful about speaking. In fact, Jesus spoke to the storm and it stopped. When we speak over ourselves, we listen, and it is harder for our minds to wander. 

I chose the song You Say by Lauren Daigle because when you sing it you are speaking the words that you are loved, even when you don’t feel a thing, over yourself. Your words have power. You can sing, or you can just speak, but saying things out loud brings a new perspective to hard circumstances. 

I am going to leave you with four verses that you can speak over yourself or others. You are chosen (1 Thessalonians 1:4), God is holding you in His big hands (Psalms 37:24), You are powerful and courageous (Romans 8:37), and you are loved (Jeremiah 31:3).

So when the enemy throws mold at you, speak over yourself and read God’s word. If you need a song to sing, find You Say. This song reminds me that even when I feel undeserving and broken, God is stronger and He still loves me. It reminds me gently where I am needed and where I belong. You are a child of God. You are loved. Don’t let the mold of this world tell you otherwise. 
