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Your love's not selfish
Your love is pure
Tears, pain, divorces, war, storms, destruction, sin. Our world is so shaky. Our world is a sinful mess! When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost a lot: their mind’s full power, their purity, their relationship with God, and the perfect love they had in the garden. Can you imagine the sadness they must have felt the rest of their lives? The loneliness? The emptiness?
Everyone can imagine that because we were all born into the same sinful, broken world. At some point we have all felt unloved, unwanted, and empty. We see the mess of sin around us every day. If you are human, you felt this way at any point before you asked Christ into your life. We not only feel that we mess up more times than we can count, daily we fall short of the creation God intended us to be, because of sin.
Before we go on, I want you to do one thing: stop thinking things like, “Adam and Eve messed it all up. They are such bad people.” Well, you know what? They fell under the influence of Satan. He tricked them and because of that the Bible says:
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” - Romans 3:23
We have all sinned too. We have all messed up. But Romans does not stop there:
“And all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.” - Romans 3:24
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16
God loves us so much He sent His Son, Jesus Christ. I want to focus in on that love, a love so deep that it would send its only son to save us: sinners, broken people. Sometimes it is so hard to believe that God’s love is not broken, or selfish, or restless, because that is the only love we see here on earth. We love selfishly and passively. We love, and then we forget. God’s love is everlasting (see Jeremiah 31:3). As humans, it’s impossible to wrap our heads around a relationship without God.
How do we know what God’s love is? Open the Bible, it is literally a story of love. From Genesis 1 to Revelations 22, the Bible boasts about God’s love. Stories and poems all displaying God’s love for us. He loves us enough to protect us. He loves us so much He gives us hope. He loves us so much He sent His Son.
I love the bridge of this song for one reason: it contrasts God’s love to the ways we love. It shows His unfailing love. At the top of this post are my two favorite phrases. God’s love is pure. When I think of pure I think of honest, wholesome, sinless, and perfect. Doesn’t pure literally describe God in one word? He is not sinful, He is perfect, He is honest, He is wholesome. God has perfect love. His love is the only pure love in our world right now.
The song sings words like present, promise keeping, wild, yet controlled. He’s not angry, not selfish, and not worried. God does not only give us His promise keeping love; He gives us all His love. He loves us in all ways. Ways we aren’t even capable of loving. He does not give us pieces of His love. He loves us fully and perfectly. His love is everything ours is not.
So I challenge you find a Bible, paper or digital, (Bible Gateway is a good one) and discover God’s love for yourself. Cross reference the things I have said to see if it is true. Go find God’s love for yourself. And maybe while you are reading the Bible, you can also listen to the song Pieces by Bethal music. It speaks of God’s pure love.
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