Trust=Strong Foundation

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

And I will put my trust in you alone
And I will not be shaken

What do you trust to uphold you in a time of trouble? Many of us will say God, then other things like family and friends. It’s not a bad thing to trust family and friends. We should be building relationships that hold us up when we go through hard times. People we can trust are very important. But people are all fallen, we have all messed up and we cannot rely on them with all our heart. This quote puts it plainly. 

“Disappointment [in friendships] is inevitable for one reason: we can only have sinners for friends. Jesus is the only human being who has ever walked on this earth without sin.” — Treasured Friends by Ann Hibbard, page 158 

So friends and family may fail to uphold you in times of trouble or distress, because like us they are sinners. We cannot trust them with something as important as our foundation. To build a house you must have a foundation, so the house does not shift with the dirt under it or wash away in a rain storm. Buildings are built on concrete foundations that can withstand the wind and the rain and hold the building firm. In our world, there is only one strong foundation to build our lives on. It is the One and who walked on earth without sinning: Jesus.

“Truly he is my rock and my salvation 
he is my fortress, 
I will never be shaken.” — Psalm 62:2

God, His son Jesus, and his Word the Bible must be our foundation. The verse tells us that when God is our rock, we will never be shaken. Friends and family are like the shifting sands that get washed way in storms but God is a rock. What a strong word! Rocks are truly strong and mighty. 

We start building our life on the Rock when we hear God’s words and put them into practice (See Matthew 7:24). When we hear God’s word and start to believe it, we start to trust God. 

As I looked over verses for this post and listened to the song on repeat, the big thing that stuck me was how much trust we must put our in our foundation. One of the lyrics is And I will put my trust in you alone, I love the word alone at the end. Not in others, not in ourselves, Jesus alone. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart…” — Proverbs 3:5a 

With all your heart. Alone. When we trust in God alone, we give up our own wants. We build our foundation on perfect love, not the fractured love of earth. In this song, I noticed tat there are three stanzas repeating over and over, and two of the stanzas talk about God’s perfect love. When our foundation is in God, we get to see his might more profoundly. We can see how good God is. The Bible says: 

“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” — Nahum 1:7

This verse shows clearly God’s goodness. He is a basement, so to say. A place in the foundation of your house to go in storms. He also cares for those who trust him. When we trust God, our foundation strengthens. We learn to stand strong on the foundation of God. God upholds us in a way no one else can in times of trouble. So build your life upon the foundation that will never be shaken. Trust that foundation to hold you up, as the Bible promise. 

“…He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”  — Psalms 62:2b

I love this song because of the declaration you are making as you sing. I encourage you to listen to it and declare that God is your foundation. 
