6 Cleverly Crafted Lyrics


Today I have a new type of post for you. Over the last year, I have been touched by some powerful lyrics, and today I wanted to share some of them with you! (If you click on the lyrics, it will take you to a YouTube link of the song so you can listen to the whole thing yourself.) 

1. “The lights not thinking about the darkness 

or shadow it cast”

These lyrics are from the song “Sparrows” by Cory Asbury. The whole song is focused around Matthew 6:25-34, and I love how you can see the whole passage reflected and expanded upon in the lyrics. 

I love this part in particular because it reflects God. The Bible says Jesus is the light for the world (See John 14:6), and since Jesus is part of God he is not worried about the darkness or the shadow that will fall with it. God knows exactly when the light will come back. Maybe all we can see in the darkness but the light will come back. 

(If you have not noticed, this has been a big theme for me lately. You can read more of my reflections of darkness and light in Walking in Darkness, but Not Forsaken, Coming Into His Love, and Part One: Favorite Songs Through the Ups and Downs of COVID-19)

2. “Pinpricks of glory strung out cross the sky

Memories of darkness undone by the light”

"Constellations" by Ellie Holcomb, has captivated my mind with this lyric. The picture it paints is extraordinary!

When we were on vacation in September, we went out in the chilly wind and looked up at the stars. The stars are so bright you don’t even focus on the darkness. What a picture of God! He is so bright we don’t have to focus on the darkness. If you have not gone out to look at the stars in a while, you should. It is getting darker sooner and the stars are stunning! 

I have a blog post on this song and it will be up very soon. If you want to be notified when it is, you can join my email list here. 

3. "This is living breathing proof 

That I am chosen Wanted  loved by You”

When lockdowns started, this was one of the songs my church shared. Until recently though, I did not marvel at the lyrics of “Fountain (I Am Good)” by Mosaic MSC. It is a very hope packing song. 

We are living proof that God is good. That he is a healer, and that he loves us. What a powerful message!  I also love the rhythm to this song. It is very chant-like and easy to remember. 

4. “Build your kingdom here 

Let the darkness fear” 


This is a declaration that fits so well for the time we are living in. “Build Your Kingdom” by Rend Collective, also has a very happy joyful tune that adds power to the words. With such a happy tune, it shows faith in the words. Even as we are praying such weighty words, we can celebrate knowing God will be faithful. This Bible verse explains what we do when singing this song: 

“May we shout for joy over your victory

and lift up our banners in the name of our God.” — Psalm 20:5

This song has a lot of really good lyrics in it. It gives me hope for the future of the church. 

5. “Don’t you think, baby, I know best?  

I’ve been a father for a long time.”

This song, “Cecile’s Lullaby” by Steffany Gretzinger, is written as though God is singing the lullaby over you. Songs written like this bring such peace to my heart and thoughts. Those lyrics are very comforting and convicting at the same time. It is basically asking “Do you trust me?” In the Bible we hear: 

“Trust in him at all times… pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” — Psalm 62:8

When we trust our Father, we are able to enter into the peace that transcends all generations. The Bible says God tends us like a flock of sheep, holding the lambs, and being gentle with fragile ones (see Isaiah 40:11). God has been a father for a long time and I hope this comforts your heart and allows you to trust him more. 

6. “This heartache is moving me closer than joy ever could 

And You're always good” 

When I heard these lyrics for the first time, I played this part over and over. The whole song, “Always Good” by Andrew Peterson, has very powerful words, but these ones really stood out to me. The picture it paints is really beautiful and a great song to listen to when the world is upset. 

What songs have you found that have cleverly crafted lyrics? Would you like to see more posts like this?


  1. This post is so lovely! I especially love "Always Good." Here's my favorite part:

    "It's so hard to know what you're doing / So why won't you tell it all plain / But you said you'd come back on the third day / And Peter missed it again and again / So maybe the answer surrounds us / But we don't have eyes to see..."

    It reminds me that sometimes when I can't see what God is doing, he can. And maybe he's even trying to tell me. :)

    1. Yes, I love that part a well! It brings so much peace!

  2. I loved listening to these songs while sitting peacefully in the yard taking in all that God has given us.
    Thank you
    Love you, Grandma Jan


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